Welcome to CAMP Zypti

Camp Zypti

Charity Affiliation Marketing Platform (C.A.M.P)

Create instant cause marketing campaigns featuring you, or your target audience's favorite nonprofits.

Utilize our experience and CAMP tools to align your marketing with over one million plus non-profits.

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Unique Cause Marketing for Any Size Business

We make it easy and affordable to promote your business in support of any non-profit organization.

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Charitable Affiliation with Branding

Branded and customized Landing, Survey, and Donation pages featuring any non-profit, or group of charities you would like to promote, or that is affiliated with your audience.

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Incentivize without Conflict

Our patented, government approved affinity platform allows for inducement free engagement.

Contact Us if you work in an industry with anti-kickback statutes.

Camp Zypti tent Marketers

CAMP for Marketers

CAMP for marketers allows you to affiliate with any public non-profit you choose.
There are over 1 million non-profits to pick from.

Select any non-profit and add your logo or name to your Zypti Landing, Survey and Donation pages for your cause marketing campaign. In addition to promoting the non-profit through your initial outreach to your target audience, the Landing, Survey & Donation pages serve to reinforce your cause marketing message.

Marketers can either choose to promote with a nonprofit that is affiliated with their company or could select a nonprofit that is closely associated with their target audience.


Camp Zypti tent Targets

CAMP for Target Audiences

When the target audience accepts a marketing sponsor’s Zypti link they are brought to the sponsor’s campaign’s Landing page featuring the nonprofit along with the company’s logo or individual sponsor’s name and the donation value they will receive for having engaged with the sponsor and completing the survey.

The audience will be aware that they can select the featured nonprofit or any non profit of their choice to receive the donation. The target audience will also see the sponsor’s logo with the sponsor’s charity on the Survey and Donation pages. When the audience is at the sponsor’s Donation page they can select the sponsor’s featured charity or they can direct the sponsor’s donation to any non-profit of their choice.

There are over 1 million non-profits for target audience members to choose from.


Camp Zypti tent Causes

CAMP for a Cause

When a marketing sponsor would like to promote around a cause rather than a single non-profit.  Zypti allows for the grouping of up to three charities on a Donation page as well as the type of Cause with the company’s logo or individual sponsor’s name on the Landing and Survey pages. CAMP for a Cause is currently in Beta. If you would like to promote around a specific cause please contact us.