Zyfti CutPaper EXAMPLES

Use our examples as a guide.

Create purpose-driven communications for individuals with whom you want to connect.

Need additional assistance or ideas around what works best?
We are happy to provide our expertise to help guide you through the development process.

Email badge

Campaign and Personal Emails

Campaign Email

Zypti Campaign Email

Personal Email

Zypti Email Mockup

Social Media & Text Outreach

LinkedIn Message

Zypti LinkedIn Mockup

Placeholder Content

Zypti Text Mockup
Branding badge

Branded Examples

Personalized Landing Page

landing with logo (b E or v2)

Personalized Survey

Survey Example with Logo

Branded and Highlighted Charity Donation Pages

Zypti allows for the personalization of the donation page as well as promotion of a specific charity, allowing you to affiliate with any charity that you would like to help promote.

Branded Featured Charity

featured charity with logo

Branded Partner Charity

Partner Charity