FAQ hat


Here are some answers...

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What do I receive besides good will from using Zypti?
Depending on the pricing and subscription plan you choose, you may receive the survey response data on an aggregate and individual level as well as an End of Year Donation Report for possible tax benefits.
What does my audience receive from using Zypti?
There is no financial or material benefit to participants who receive a sponsor’s Zypti link to direct a donation. They receive the satisfaction that their time spent engaging with the sponsor is helping a charity important to them.
Can the participant direct the donation without completing the brief survey?
No, they must complete the survey to direct the donation.
What happens if a participant does not click their Zypti link to direct a donation?
Each participant that receives a Zypti link to direct a donation will have 30 days to activate the link and direct the donation. After the 30 day period, the donation amount will be credited back to the sponsor to be used for another participant.
Can I add branding to the Survey or Donation Landing pages?
Yes, your company/project name is automatically added to the pages, and you can purchase logo branding as well.
Can I customize the survey questions?
Yes, you may purchase an option for a custom survey. If you have an immediate need for a customized survey or are interested in our enterprise level of service, please contact us
How long does it take before I see the response data?
Please Contact Us for more information.
How do I know which charity will incentivize my audience?
You can always suggest a charity, but with over one million charities in our database, it is easy for your audience to find and direct the donation to a charity that is personally important to them.
How do I “highlight” a charity to promote it to my target audience?
Find the EIN of the charity using our built in charity search, and append that to the end of the Zypti link “/[EIN}. Or ask us, and we will do it for you.
What is a Featured Cause page?
A Featured Cause page allows you to choose three charities associated with a specific cause you would like to highlight. You may purchase a Feature Cause page or contact us for assistance.
Are there conflict of interest or anti-kickback statutes around incentivized engagement?
Since there is no transfer of value between the sponsors and the participants, there is no conflict of interest. Our platform has been designated as “non-remunerative” and is not applicable to anti-kickback statutes.
Will sponsors know which charities I have directed my donations?
No. For compliance purposes, Zypti will not provide the name of the participant associated with the name of the charity that received the donation.
Can donations be directed to private foundations or directed towards a personal fundraiser on a website such as GoFundMe?
No. For compliance purposes, participants may only direct donations to public 501(c)3 nonprofits.